Data sets and Codes for Portfolio Selection Problems


Used in Cesarone, F., Di Paolo, A., Bufalo, M. & Orlando, G. (2024) A benchmark-asset principal component factorization for index tracking on large investment universes. Working paper.

Used in Cesarone, F., Martino, M.L., Giacometti, R. & Tardella, F. (2024) A Return-Diversification Approach to Portfolio Selection. Working paper - Available online at


Used in Ararat C., Cesarone, F., Pinar, M.C. & Ricci, J.M. (2024) MAD risk parity portfolios. Annals of Operations Research (336): 899-924. DOI:


Used in Cesarone, F., Martino, M.L. & Carleo, A. (2022) Does ESG impact really enhance portfolio profitability? Sustainability 14(4). DOI:


50 assets of the Euro Stoxx 50 Market Index from July 2005 to June 2014 (weekly frequency - source: Thomson Reuters Datastream).


32 assets of the Euro Stoxx 50 Market Index from January 2007 to May 2013 (weekly frequency - source: Yahoo Finance).


34 assets of the FTSEMIB Market Index from January 2007 to May 2013 (weekly frequency - source: Yahoo Finance).


63 assets of the FTSE100 Market Index from January 2007 to May 2013 (weekly frequency - source: Yahoo Finance).


Datasets used in:

  • Cesarone, F., Martino, M.L. & Tardella, F. (2023) Mean-Variance-VaR portfolios: MIQP formulation and performance analysis. OR Spectrum (45): 1043-1069. DOI:
  • Carleo, A., Cesarone, F., Gheno, A. et al. (2017) Approximating Exact Expected Utility via Portfolio Efficient Frontiers. Decisions in Economics and Finance (40): 115–143. DOI:


Used in Cesarone, F. & Colucci, S. (2017) Minimum risk versus capital and risk diversification strategies for portfolio construction. Journal of the Operational Research Society. DOI:


Datasets used in:

  • Cesarone, F. & Tardella, F. (2017) Equal Risk Bounding is better than Risk Parity for portfolio selection. Journal of Global Optimization (68): 439–461. DOI:
  • Cesarone, F., Scozzari, A. & Tardella, F. (2015) Linear vs. quadratic portfolio selection models with hard real-world constraints. Computational Management Science (12): 345–370DOI:
  • Cesarone, F., Scozzari, A. & Tardella, F. (2013) A new method for Mean-Variance portfolio optimization with cardinality constraints. Annals of Operations Research (205): 213–234. DOI: